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Shaping Vibrant Cities .

Sparking Change Through Policy Reform
Shaping Cities With Informed Urban Planning
Imactful Urban Design to Build Community
Infusing Resilience Through Design

Policy & Research .

The Policy Studio’s goal is to catalyse a more thoughtful transition for a rapidly urbanising India. Urban Policy does that by examining the roots of the problem rather than its symptoms and works towards sustainable solutions and reforms. We begin with a deep understanding of challenges on the ground, which is further enhanced with testing solutions through pilots. Based upon the pilots, refinement of solutions are converted into scalable and sustainable frameworks and methodologies and presented to governments at all levels.

Urban Planning .

The Planning Studio is involved in new growth planning as well as redevelopment and revitalization. These include Use + Form based zoning regulations, transit design, networked design, O.N.E land zoning (Open, New, Existing land), protective heritage development zoning, density scale, mixed income – mixed use residential options, tiered social amenities and green pocket per capita allocation. The Planning Studio also focusses on , integration of the 3E planning principle – of economy, equity and environment, integration of three levels of plans – regional, city and neighbourhood and most importantly the integration of community.

Urban Design .

The urban design studio focusses on the design and implementation of projects of great public value, with a focus on improving the quality of life in our cities. The projects are divided into two buckets – road projects under the umbrella of Tender S.U.R.E, providing complete streets with organised underground utilities, uniform travel lanes, safe intersections and improved pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and other public projects that encompass everything from waterfronts to markets and vary in scale. 

Architecture .

The architecture and design studio at Jana USP works on affordable housing projects as well as on the transformation of public buildings such as transport hubs and markets. The team works on alternative and cutting edge technology in the fields of construction and also works closely with the Urban Design Studio, given the interconnected nature of elements of delivery in public projects. 

kms of Tender SURE Roads
Affordable Housing Units
Master Plans
Cups of Coffee
  • If Tender SURE specifications and Tender SURE Model becomes the basis for road making, it think it is a big leap forward.

    INS Prasad, IAS
    Principal Secretary, Chief Minister's Office (2008 - 12), Government of Karnataka
  • I didn’t know that (Jana Urban Space) had done (Tender SURE). It is great to me that they have done the job for Bangalore.

    Swiggy Delivery Executive

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