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Shaping Vibrant Cities .

Placing community at the heart of design

Transforming quality of life

Fostering partnerships and collaborations

Designing systemic and scalable solutions

Placing community at the heart of design.

Community participation and engagement is crucial in the designing and re-designing of the spaces that make up our city. Our design is informed by series of engagements to work with the stakeholder groups, such as vendors in a market, dwellers of an informal settlements and the larger public who use parks, streets etc to set the vision and establish goals. We use a variety of tools to achieve this under three broad categories;

  • Public participation events campaigns and design charettes
  • Door to door surveys for maximum outreach
  • Online data collection through webpages, discussions, webinars and survey forms

Transforming quality of life.

Jana Urban Space was founded with a goal to fix the spatial dimension of India’s cities and transform quality of life for all via the streams of policy, planning and design. This is the approach and focus of all our projects irrespective of scale from improving regional connectivity, to reducing the distance from farm to table, to easing mobility patterns, to the redesign of a street, a busy junction, right down to improvement of a corner where a woman has been selling flowers for decades. The interventions can be broadly classified under;

Fostering partnerships and collaborations.

An important facet of the way we work is collaborations with government bodies at all levels, elected representatives, opinion leaders and other stakeholders to achieve best possible results. We firmly believe that the only way to achieve our vision, is by working together, for in a city with many moving parts, everyone has a role to play, and everyone is an important cog in the wheel. 

Designing systemic and scalable solutions.

A founding principle of our organisation is to work on complete solutions from diagnostics of the problem, to advocacy for change, to policy, planning and design interventions, public engagement, right down to the details of construction and costing with a focus on scaling and replication, to maximise impact. 

News & Updates .

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